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When my oldest boy sees somebody eating (whether he knows them or not), he always asks either me or them, “What are you eating?” It dawned on me just the other week that maybe he picked that up from me, as I do the same thing! I’m always curious what others are bringing for snacks or lunch or dinner. I will periodically text friends and ask what’s on their menu for the week because I just want some new ideas for our family. So if you are like my son and me 🙂 and are simply interested to see what others eat and maybe get some new ideas, I hope this post can be helpful!

I’m picky about the food we provide to our growing boys. Does that mean they never have sugar or junk food? Of course not. But I do read labels when buying packaged foods and look at the ingredients, the fiber, the protein, and so forth. I know that I feel better when I avoid too much added sugar, so I assume my boys do, too. Their behavior proves that as well! 🙂

So what do we bring on our hikes, fishing trips, bike rides, and other outdoor adventures for an almost 2 year old and an almost 4 year old with different eating habits?

  • Toasted English muffins + butter + almond butter + a little bit of honey (less than a tsp)
  • Triscuits + cheese + sometimes Applegate pepperoni
  • Larabars!!!!! Our favorite snack bar! Blueberry, cashew cookie, pecan, peanut butter cookie, coconut pie, and banana bread are our favorites.
  • Other treat bars: RX Kids Bars; That’s It fruit bars
  • Smoothies – these are our smoothie cups and they are fabulous! We can be outside all day, and the smoothie stays cold. Plus, they can’t pull the straw out.
  • Fruit leather
  • Made in Nature Mango Pops
  • Fresh fruit (whatever is in season)
  • Two bite brownies (from No Sugar Added, Still Sweet)
  • Homemade muffins
  • Baby carrots, sliced peppers, cucumbers
  • Nuts – almonds (for the older one), cashews, pecans, walnuts
  • Dried fruit – raisins, mango, dates

Is there anything new to you on the list? And obviously, I would love to hear what your go-to snacks/lunches on the go are! 🙂

Winter gloves:

Still cold when we got to the top of Mount Helena.