posted in: Helena Microadventures | 0

So. Many. Trails. start from the Mount Helena trailhead! In the past, we haven’t frequented this trailhead often as many of the trails can be pretty steep. But now that O is older (nearing 4) and can hike longer independently, we’re trying to get into a new flow of O being a full-time hiker and little brother (J, nearing 2) being a part-time hiker. So we are starting with this nice little loop!

This loop is just about a mile long, the perfect length (in my opinion) for little ones (when walking themselves). The boys, of course, walk longer than a mile because there is much back and forth and veering off on other trails temporarily. Some families go for longer hikes, but this is the length that works for us. We like the 1 mile loops as there is no stress or pushing to cover distance. The boys take their time, stop along the way, explore the area, and basically go at their own pace (with the occasional prompt of, “Hey! What’s that big rock over there??” 🙂 ).

Taking in the view and having a little of his own space (which is easy to do when outside!).

Their pace also gives me the opportunity to slow down and take a more child-like approach to nature, engaging all of the senses. Smelling the flowers, trees, pine needles, and even the rocks. Seeing the ants, centipedes, and butterflies. Hearing pine cones drop and birds sing. Touching EVERYTHING. Tasting? I leave the dirt tasting to them. But if we’re berry hunting, I’ll join in on the tasting!

Ok, back to this particular loop! With all of the stopping and starting other trails and then back to the main one, we give ourselves about 1.5-2 hours to do 1 mile in the mountains. Others will complete this faster, and some will be slower.

Showing little brother how to sit and slide on steep parts of the trail. It didn’t last long as the rocks were pretty sharp… 🙂

As with many of the Helena-area hikes, it is easy to lengthen or shorten hikes, because we all know sometimes you just have to do that. Maybe everybody is having fun and the energy is high (see the blue route-extension for a slightly longer hike). And maybe it’s just a rough day, so you have to shorten it! We’ve been in both situations!

A few other notes – There is a nice meadow at the top to relax and have a snack if needed, or simply wanted. 😉 There is a fair amount of shade along this route. This hike is also doable in the winter (if it’s not too icy) as it is well-used, so the snow will be packed down.

Getting to the “picnic” meadow.

If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know we are fans of hiking loops. And thankfully, the Helena area trails provide plenty of choices for short or longer loops!