posted in: Helena Microadventures | 0

Sometimes we get stuck in ruts. We go to the same handful of places to play even though we know of other options. Sometimes it’s because of the drive, or the weather, or it’s a place we prefer to go with friends. Whatever the reasons, it happens. And for the most part, the kids really don’t mind. They have fun wherever we go. But it’s always refreshing when we go play someplace we haven’t been to in awhile.

The Priest Pass boulders are always fun! There are so many things to do for kids of all ages – boulders to climb (some big, others small), forts to build, treasures to collect. It’s really nice during hot summer days because much of the area is shaded. There are also rough trails/old roads to follow if you want to hike around. We usually never make it to hiking anywhere because the boulders are so fun and provide unending opportunities for imaginative play. They become castles, jails, boats, or whatever else one wants to imagine!

The drive there is easy. The short distance of gravel road can be a little “washboardy” but otherwise any vehicle can manage it. The only spot to watch is when you approach the parking lot, you could bottom out if you don’t take it carefully. When you park, there is a small trail that begins in an open area, winds through some trees and when you emerge, you’ll see the boulders!

A couple things to keep in mind. This is a popular informal paintballing and airsoft course, so going here on the weekend might not be the best timing. Because there are paintballing and airsoft games going on, there is a lot of litter.

Happy exploring!