posted in: Helena Microadventures | 0

It took us way too long to go and fully explore Tenmile Creek Park! We had been to the bridge a couple times and then would turn back. We had never parked over by the VA and actually biked/hiked more of the trails. From the perspective of a parent to little ones, this is such a well thought out park!

I’m including the GoogleMaps, but if you want a more detailed (and up-to-date) map, visit Prickly Pear Land Trust.

You can hear the water running as you hike or bike along this part of the trail.

Where to begin… I’m just going to bullet point some of my favorite things about this park!

  • They have beautiful maps not only at the trailheads, but in the middle of the park, too (in case you want to check your location again and find a new loop).
  • There are picnic tables scattered along the trails, so if you need to have a snack earlier or later with your little ones, there are options!
  • There is a bathroom in the middle of the park. I loved this because if you are potty training (or even if a couple years past it), sometimes mid-hike poos happen. No hole-digging required here!
  • There’s water! And bonus? It’s in the shade with large, beautiful trees all around! My boys could throw rocks into the water for hours, and I know that’s not unique among little ones.
  • The trail is well-maintained gravel, so it is perfect for little ones biking (with pedals or the balance bike).
  • The trail is flat making it easier for little ones to bike and hike on their own.
  • You encounter friendly people and dogs on these trails. 🙂
  • Once the trees they have planted grow, it will be even nicer!

Playing near the water never gets old!

There are plenty of picnic tables to enjoy a snack, but the bridge works, too!

Have you been there with your little ones? Or your older kids? Or on your own? Am I missing anything? 🙂

If you want more information about the park, check out Prickly Pear Land Trust.